About Munchie Jams


What is Munchie Jams?

Munchie Jams attempts to interpret any food or drink and construct a complimentary Spotify playlist. It's experimental and non-scientific, so your results may vary.

How does it work?

We look up your munchie on Wolfram Alpha to get a description of the item. That description is analyzed to identify key words, and then we use the thesaurus at Big Huge Labs to build a list of similar words. Finally, we compare each of those terms to a list of moods provided by The Echo Nest, and assemble a playlist based on the matches.

This is silly, why would you make this?

To learn and experiment.

This site is built in HTML/JS/CSS (w/ jQuery & just a bit of PHP), and I wanted to play around a bit. It doesn't always provide a great playlist, but I was more interested in the functionality than the outcome.

Munchie Jams

Tell us what you're munching and we'll serve you some jams